Though Path

Sovereign Creator

Everything in existence exists within your own conscious awareness.

March 7, 2025

Said another way, anything and everything in life that you experience is your experience.

Even when you are having a shared experience with others, whether it be directly, like having a conversation with a friend or intimacy with your partner, or indirectly, like sitting in traffic or being at a concert, the perception of that experience is entirely your own.

From that perspective, you can expand your awareness to say that not only are you the one perceiving the experience, but you are solely the one who is creating your experience.

Sitting in the creator’s seat of your Life, you recognize that you are creating the perception of every person, every relationship, every interaction, every circumstance, every everything you experience.

From that Soul’s-eye view you can also recognize the irrefutable truth that all things are connected. This infinite interconnectedness is not only spoken about through spiritual and religious teachings across the world, but it is also observed and quantified through a scientific lens, which can measure and recognize that everything in existence is created from a singular, unbroken, infinite field of Source Energy.

And seeing that this Source Energy is infinite, we recognize that there is nowhere or no time for anything to go - it’s all here. Now. Life being created and experienced, by you. 

It is a great power to acknowledge and take accountability for being wholly responsible for your experience of life and all that happens within it, and with great power comes great responsibility.

As the creator’s of the entirety of our Life, the ones who literally give birth to our experience, it is in our highest alignment to assume the role of the divine mother, wholly and fully loving and nurturing all within our creation.

This does not mean that you need to let people have their way with you, just as a parent would not allow for their child to treat them in an unacceptable manner.

But regardless of how the child - or the world - expresses itself to you, there is nothing it can do that can stop you from being the Love that you are.

Each new year, new day, or new moment is an opportunity to consciously connect with your highest purpose, which is to simply be the fullest expression of your Self. And as you remember your Self to be Love - not as an expression but as an innate fabric of being - you will be able to embody the Truth of your Self through your thoughts, words, actions, and intentions.

The beauty of this work is that as you emanate the embodiment of the Love that you are, unifying all of the aspects of your Self together into a whole being, you will ultimately attract into your experience all that you desire.

The intelligence of the Universe says that sometimes that which you desire will show up in a way that may actually seem the opposite of what you wanted to attract, but that is all part of the perfection of our creation, as that polarity provides the catalytic conditions for you to create what it is you seek.

Just as a flashlight needs darkness to shine, so to does peace need turmoil, forgiveness need betrayal, and connection need separation for them to be created.

What is most essential is that whatever may show up for you, remember that you always have 100% sovereign choice on how you receive and perceive what is being given to you. And when you further remember that all expression is an act from love or a cry out for love, you can consciously connect to the divine opportunity you have to be the loving creator that you are, nurturing everything and everyone within your creation. 

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